Sunday, March 11, 2007

This is my favorite age (every week I say that!)

Well, Lucy is a little over five months old and time is flying by. She is such a smiley, happy girl. She is constantly cracking me up with the new things she is learning. Her personality is really funny and sweet. She seems like she is going to be very social because every time we are around other people she is a little ham.
Today she woke us up with a new sound. She was saying Ba over and over again. I wonder what goes through their little heads when they learn how to form their lips into new sounds.
I really can't believe how quickly she has passed through so many stages. She rolled over really early, at about three and a half months and then started grabbing for objects after that. Now she is so busy all the time. She loves toys that are noisy and she is really into her feet. She is has really good balance when she is sitting. She can sit on her own for a few seconds and is strong enough to sit all the way up from a bent over position after she has been grabbing and sucking on her feet.
I am loving being a mom. I feel so lucky to be home with Lucy, watching her grow and develop every day!

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